Ww2 Us Army Air Forces B-17 Flying Fortress Gunner’s Mia Document Grouping
WW2 US ARMY AIR FORCES B-17 FLYING FORTRESS GUNNER’S MIA DOCUMENT GROUPING. WW2 US ARMY AIR FORCES B-17 FLYING FORTRESS GUNNER’S MIA (AUGUST 17,1943) DOCUMENT GROUPING. HISTORIC GROUPING OF WW2 US ARMY AIR FORCES B-17 FLYING FORTRESS STAFF SERGEANT CREW CHIEF WAIST GUNNER JACOB J. MISSING IN ACTION ON AUGUST 17th ON THE U. ARMY AIR FORCE’S ” BLACK TUESDAY ” MISSION OVER GERMANY. HE WAS TAKEN AS PRISONER OF WAR THEN ESCAPED. The mission flown on 17-Aug-43, the 1st anniversary of the 1st mission flown by the 8th Air Force, is probably the most written about mission of the war. This is the famous Schweinfurt / Regensburg mission on which 60 B-17s are lost. It has been dubbed. It is this mission that finally brought home to the air war planners the true vulnerability of the famous B-17 “Flying Fortress” and the critical need for fighter escorts that could accompany the bomber streams to and from targets deep in Germany as Little Friends. INCLUDED IN THIS LISTING ARE. HOMEFRONT MISSING IN ACTION NEWSPAPER CLIPPING DATED OCTOBER 5,1943. AIRPLANE MECHANICS SCHOOL DIPLOMA. COMPLETION AERIAL GUNNERS SCHOOL DIPLOMA. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION FOR WAR SERVICE. WITH GENERAL OF THE AIR FORCE HAP ARNOLD FACSIMILE AUTOGRAPH. Staff Sergeant Jacob J. Sky, 27, son of Mrs. Sky, of 124 East Birch street, has. Been reported missing in action in. The European theater of war since. August 17 according to a message. Received from the War Department. Sergeant Dalinsky, who had been. Awarded the Air Medal for heroism. In combat, was a gunner aboard a. Flying Fortress and is believed to. Have been lost over either Regens. Burg or Schweinfurt, cities hit on. His plane was know. “Dear-Mom” and London papers. Several weeks ago carried a story. Of one of its unusual exploits. Turning from a mission the bomber. Was forced to drop from 19,000 to. 3,000 feet due to damage done over. The target and as Lt. And pulled out of the steep dive he. Saw his was bearing down on a. Formation of Ju-88’s Nazis fighter. Saw his was bearing down on. Formation of a Ju-88’s Nazis fighter. Not made for fighter plane tactics. The speed of the “Dear Mom’s”. Dive brought it into roaring onto. The tails of the Nazis and the Ameri. Can gunners opened fire. The Germans could turn, three had. Sergeant Dalinsky was born in. Hazleton and was graduated from. The Hazleton High School in 1933. Before his enlistment in May, 1942. He was employed by the United. He served at Keesler Field, Mis. Sissippi; Boeing Aircraft School. Seattle, Washington; Las Vegas. Nevada, gunnery school; Gowen. Field, Idaho; Army Air Base, Cas. Per, Wyoming; Scottsbluff, Nebra. Ska; Salina, Kansas; and Preque. He went overseas four. Months ago and had been on num. He is a member of Ss. And Paul’s Lithuanian church, this. City and has four brothers, three in. They are: Private Charles. Dalinsky, Camp Rucker, Alabama. Private Frank Dalinsky, Camden. Maine; Corporal John Dalinsky. Serving in North Africa and William. Dalinsky, employed at a war plant. THE PICTURE OF THE MEMORIAL PLAQUE (IN GERMAN) AND THE B-17 PLANES EMBLEM. ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS LISTING AND ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. DIMENSIONS OF EACH DOCUMENT : 8″ X 10 1/2″. MEDIUM WEIGHT CREAM COLOR PAPER. DIMENSIONS OF EACH DOCUMENT : 2 1/2″ X 9 1/4″. PAPER IS STILL SUPPLE AND FLEXIBLE.